Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Implementing Universal Healthcare in the United States, Part I

the following thread stemmed from my facebook status line on 7.23.09. my status is the first entry posted below.

Paola Lopez

i cannot believe how many people are not in favor of Universal Healthcare in this country. what is wrong with you?? people are sick and dying in the millions in this rich country of ours and you think it's not the responsibility of each and everyone of us?? PULL YOUR HEADS OUT OF YOUR GREEDY, SELF-INVOLVED ASSHOLES!! you're being manipulated by folks who stand to gain *immensely* financially.

Paola Lopez

If you are so concerned about what you'll get out of it, then consider this: "It is not a welfare state to keep a good portion of the vital population of workforce healthy."

Sheryl Bradbury

I don't want any "health care" that isn't preventative or alternative health care. It's all total BS!

Dane Jessie

They were until they bought into the ads out there. The Drug companies are spending $1,000,000 a day advertising the message. Doesn't the fact that they have enough $ to throw that way tell anyone anything?

Paola Lopez

sheryl: i agree with you for the need to include preventative and alternative health care in any health system we establish. i am regularly arguing with my doctors about that very thing, in fact. :)

however, right now there are so many people who cannot rely upon any sort of regular measures which address their well-being, whether it be before a problem arises or after it's already manifested - and it stuns me how many people think this is a simple matter of darwinism. who is to say the fittest means the most ruthless? there are several ways for this species to evolve and developing systems which safeguard the needs of the many seems a hell of lot more evolved than continuing of the old tradition of The Cave Man - dog-eat-dog style.

Paola Lopez

dane: yes, people do not put two and two together; just what exactly it means that the pharmaceuticals are willing to sink so much dough into this brainwashing, er, advertising. it means the "facts" they present the populace are likely to be skewed.

Dane Jessie

Because they follow their "leaders" (can you say FOX news?).

Paola Lopez

i'm surprised that "news" outfit is still in business.

did you read some of the posts on the Do You Believe in Universal Healthcare Poll? incredible.

here's what one bloke had to say: "Survival of the fittest. You can't afford health care? Not my problem and not from my tax dollars. I went to college, I have a good job and I have health insurance that I pay for."

Dane Jessie

The funny part is that our system costs the people who have it MORE than any of the universal systems in place. The average American family pays $1000 a year for those who don't have insurance. A nation wide system would drop the costs.

Ian Cahir

Well said, Paola.

Paola Lopez

ian: thanks, man! :-)

dane: now if we could only get info like that out to more people with the proper "authority" behind it so they'd believe it. i mean, we're never going to convince everyone, but if we could just convince enough to get some of these measure in place...and then work like the dickens to try to infuse it with enough checks and balances so that it doesn't quickly become corrupt, giving people fodder for, "i told you so!"

Dane Jessie

I talk about it everyday on my radio show.

Tina Forras Cartwright

yeah. they need to do something.

Paola Lopez

dane: ok, that's it! :-P did you say i'd be able to tune in to your show via podcast? or do you have copies of it you can send me? i seriously would love to hear you talk about this. phew! i'm so glad someone in the media with your perspective is speaking up, dane.

Chairat Anson Roberts

My 2 cents: I have a heart condition... I am covered by Medi-cal and starting in November, by Medi-care. Just like you, I have paid into those plans since I'd started working (15). I had to go through many years of bureaucratic bull-shit to get them to believe that I was truly sick. It's such a difficult line to draw between someone who really needs them, care, vs. someone wanting to take advantage of (A SYSTEM). That is why, universal HC can take all the questions out of the loop, and really take care of PEOPLE. Yes, I'M DYING TO GET WELL!! =)

Paola Lopez

chairat, what you just said brought tears to my eyes. i remember some talks we've had about this and i know a bit of what you go through. you make an excellent point coming from the position of being exactly the type of person who we, as a country, should want to help keep alive and well. i am on medi-cal myself for a hearing condition and what i had to go through to get it was sheer hell. and now good ole arnie has just deducted half of the services medi-cal used to cover - including audiology! i keep hoping universal healthcare will help minimize the greed factor, reduce the level of suspicion and blame so as to simply allow everyone some level of care. people abuse the current healthcare systems because of one predominant factor: people get sick and need to be cared for; think les miserables and that loaf of bread....

Paola Lopez

omg, and i almost overlooked the most important thing you said, chairat: you have paid for your medical insurance (medi-cal and medi-care) by being a tax payer and having had a job since you were 15 yrs old. those taxes taken from your paycheck every pay period mean you are paying for your supposedly "freebie" health insurance. plus, you pay plenty by being sick and having to cope with the difficulties that brings. you pay enough!

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